ISTQB Certified Software Test Engineer

Friday, November 19, 2010

How to Block a website access in your machine

How can we block access to Orkut in our machine?Even if we are trying to access ,it should not open...

This is a doubt and order from one of my friends.So I have to answer him,googled and found a solution for this .Blocked orkut in my laptop.

Here is the solution

we will find a file called hosts.

Open this file with notepad.Just append this line at the end of file (domain name or url u want to block)

for example

Open any of the browsers and try to access orkut now,it will show oops the site u r trying to access is wrong(Not exactly this message,some kind of message like this)

It will work only if we access the site using domain name.If we are using ip this technique will not work.

Again if you want to give access to the blocked site just remove the added entry in hosts file.

Brb.... :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Difefrence between Verify and Assert in Selenium

In selenium while using IDE or RC we will find two methods for


We know that both are used to find whether a given text(input) was present or not in the loaded(opened)webpage,but why there are two methods defined when they are behaving in a same manner??

There is a difference between these two methods

When we are executing a testcase of 10 lines(assume a testscript of 10 lines in which we used both verify (4line)and assert(6 line)),When Verify text failed(means the input text was not there in the loaded page) it gives the test result as failed but all the steps after this Verify statement were executed till the end of the scrpit.

Coming to Assert if assertion failed, testcase aborted from that line and will stop executing the remaining statements in the script


Monday, November 15, 2010

Test Automation Framework

A framework is an integrated system that sets the rules of Automation of a specific product. This system integrates the function libraries, test data sources, object details and various reusable modules. These components act as small building blocks which need to be assembled to represent a business process. The framework provides the basis of test automation and simplifies the automation effort.

These are the various types of automation frameworks

Data-driven testing:Test Scripts are executed based on the data

Modularity-driven testing :Test Scripts are created based on small and independent modules

Keyword-driven testing :
The keyword-driven testing methodology divides test creation into two stages:-

Planning Stage
A simple keyword (one action on one object), e.g. entering a username into a textfield

Implementation Stage

or test designers (who don’t have to know how to program) write test cases based on the keywords defined in the planning stage that have been implemented by the engineers. The test is executed using a driver that reads the keywords and executes the corresponding code.

Hybrid testing :The hybrid Test Automation Framework is what most frameworks evolve into over time and multiple projects

Model-based testing: Model-based testing is the application of Model based design for designing and executing the necessary artifacts to perform software testing. This is achieved by having a model that describes all aspects of the testing data, mainly the test cases and the test execution environment. Usually, the testing model is derived in whole or in part from a model that describes some (usually functional) aspects of the system under test (SUT).

Will update each approach in detail :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

"Windows was unable to find a certificate to log you,on to the network [SSID]"

While using wireless network some times it will show the following message
"Windows was unable to find a certificate to log you,on to the network [SSID]",and connection to the network fails. In such cases change the properties of wireless network in the following manner.
1.Click on Control panel from start menu.
2.Now in control panel click on Network Connections.
3.List of Networks will be visible.Select the wireless network concerned.
4.Right-click on the network and click on properties.
5.Wireless Network connection properties window will be opened.

6.Then Click on wireless networks tab in that window

7.Select the preferred network and click on properties of the preferred network.

8.Change the Network Authentication Select box value to "WPA-PSK" and Data Encryption as AES.
9.Enter the Network Key and confirm the Network key and click on Ok.
10.Now the wireless will be connected successfully.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Handling download popup usin selenium

Handling popups in web applications was not supported by many of the automation tools.Selenium is an open source tool which is supporting this feature.
However selenium is capable to handle only the HTML popups.There are some other popups called "Windows popups" example download popups, which are related to OS.These download popups are not handled by the selenium.
We need to use a tool called "autoit" to handle this popups.

Download the autoit exe from auto it site and pass the name of the exe as an argumnet.

If u r using java call this using execute method.
if u r using perl call this using system function

Selenium +Perl+Windows

Hi this post is on configuring the Selenium RC to work with perl.

1.Record the Test suite using selenium ide and export it to Perl.

2.Open eclipse IDE and install the perl plugin for eclipse,if there is no plugin for perl in your eclipse previously.

3.Create a perl project in eclipse and copy the exported perl file to the project that was created in eclipse.

4.Install active perl .

5.Perl folder will be created after active perl installation.Add perl\bin in Path environment variable.

6.Now install perl module for selenium in active perl.

7.Download the perl module for selenium from the following link.

8.Extract the tar.gz file

9.Now go to the selenium pm directory that was created when we extracted the tar.gz
through command line.The Name of the directory created was "Test-WWW-Selenium-1.13"
10.Execute the makeFile in "Test-WWW-Selenium-1.13" using the following command
in command line.
11.After execution make the make file using command nmake

12.Some dependinces will be installed and once this process completed,install the nmake using command
nmake install

13.After nmake and nmake install copy the "Test-WWW-Selenium-1.13" directory to the lib folder of perl

13.Open another command prompt and open Perl package manager using the command "PPM"

14.Perl Package Manager window will be opened.

15.There we will find "Test-WWW-Selenium-1.13" as a package name.

16.Right click on the package name,there we will find an option for installation.

17.Then the package will be marked for installation

18.Click on the Run button which is at the top of perl package manager.

19.Then Selenium module for perl will be installed.

20.Start testing selenium using perl as a scripting language.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Installing Perl Plugin in Eclipse IDE

1.Open Eclipse ide. In menu bar we will find a tab called "Help"

2.In Help menu we will find a sub-menu called "Software updates".
3.In software updates we will find the "find and install" sub-menu.
4.Click on find and install.

5.Select the Radio button "Serach for new features to install" and click on next.

6.Click on New Remote site button which is present on the right side of the opened window.
7.Give the Name and update site url details in the popup that was opened and click on OK.
Name:"Some thing related to u r project"
URL: version of the plugin version of the plugin.

8.The Name we have given should appear in update sites visit.

9.Check the check box before the name which we have given

10.Click on finish.
11.Update manager will run and the plug-in will be installed in eclipse.
12.Now restart the eclipse ide once the plug-in installed.
13.After the eclipse ide started,open Navigator,Click on NEWthen click on Other

13."New" windows will be opened and there we will find "Perl"folder.

14.Click on perl and create a new project or file according to the requirement.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Deleteing a service from services.msc

How to delete a service from services.msc?

Here is the process....

1.Open command prompt from run using "CMD" or "COMMAND".
2.Go to C drive in the command prompt.
3.Home directory should be C: Drive ,means "C:\>".
4.Use the command "sc delete "

for example if u want to stop apache server service,below is the syntax

"sc delete apacheserver"

Keep watching for more updates :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Keytool commands

keytool -alias selenium -import -file cybervillainsCA.cer -keystore selenium.keystore
keytool -printcert -file certfile.cer
keytool -list -keystore selenium.keystore
keytool -import -trustcacerts -file cybervillainsCA.cer

these are some of the important commands while generating keystore files

I will update more commands asap

Handling https using selenium

If we have a invalid ssl certificate or expired certificate configured with your tomcat server,it is not possible for selenium-Rc to handle https request until we add new SSL certificate to our server conf.xml.

So i found a solution to handle this.

1.In selenium RC directory we will find selenium server directory.In that directory we wil find SSL in which we will find a valid certificate.

2.Create a keystore file to import this certificate into that keystore file using the command in ur command prompt.

keytool -genkey -alias aliasname -keyalg rsa -keysize 2048 -keystore keystorename

3.It will ask for a password then give the password which u like
4.Then it will ask u for the details ,enter the details and again reenter the password
5.So in present working directory u wil find a keystore file.
6.Inport the certificate given by seleniium into this keystore file using command
keytool -keystore test -keyalg "RSA" -import -trustcacerts -file cybervillai

7.Now change the server.xml keystore property in conf dir of u r tomcat to point the created keystore file.
8.Now restart the server,and hit the url,then it will show certificate error and when u r trying to install the certificate,it has to show the seleinums certificate.
9.Install this certificate and restart the browser.
10.New certificate will be installed and it has to show a valid certificate.
11.If it is showing mismatched certificate address then in IE tools>Advanced>>security>>Uncheck the windows mismatch checkbox
12.Restart the browser.
13.And start using seleniumRC

Any doubts feel free to contact me

Sunday, April 18, 2010

ISTQB foundation level chapter wise weightage

ISTQB FL contains 6 chapters and among these 6 chapters ISTQB has given weightage.

1.Fundmentals of testing -7 bits
2.Testing throught out the life cycle-6 bits
3.Static analysis-3 bits
4.Dynamic test design techniques-12
5.TestManagement-8 bits
6.Tools for test design -4bitsing

U can clear the exam if u prepare 4,5,1 chapters.
Dont neglect 4 th chapter its an easy chapter,U can expect 3 questions from black box design techniques like
1.Equvialence Partitoning
3.Decision table
3 Questions from Whitebox techniwues like
1.Statement coverage
2.Path coverage
3.Branch decision coverage
Any doubts regarding these feel free to contact me

Selenium a Functional Testing tool

I think u already heard about a testing tool called "Selenium" from "Thought Works".A good tool consisting of three major components
1. Selenium IDE
2.Selenium Remote Control(RC)
3.Selenium Grid

A good tool used for regression testing.
The options provided by IDE are very flexible and make testers job easy while testing.
Refer the link for more details on selenium.

Download the 3 components from the downloads tab and go through the Documentation,then selenium is in ur hands.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The ISTQB is responsible for the international qualification scheme called "ISTQB Certified Tester". The qualifications are based on a syllabus, and there is a hierarchy of qualifications and guidelines for accreditation and examination. The ISTQB Foundation Level exam and the ISEB Foundation Exam became aligned as of 01-June-2006. ISEB, established in 1967 is the world's leading issuer of Software Testing qualifications and offers courses in over 50 countries worldwide.


ITB is the board which is looking ISTQB activities in INDIA.

With this certification u can be good at software testing.Apart from this it is good if u have some idea on tools like JMETER,Selenium etc...
See more details about istqb in the given site
Reference book for ISTQB:REX BLACK ,Foundations of software testing
I will post some resources for this exam soon

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jmeter HTTPs recording

Hi,Apache J meter is a performance testing tool,using which we can do some functional testing by means of Recording and playing option ,but the main drawback with this is,it is not able to record HTTPS,but i found a patch for this ,using which J meter can record Https.The change in code to make JMeter to record HTTPS is made in J file.

Here is the link to download the patch

Download zip for windows,and tgz for linux