ISTQB Certified Software Test Engineer

Friday, July 23, 2010

"Windows was unable to find a certificate to log you,on to the network [SSID]"

While using wireless network some times it will show the following message
"Windows was unable to find a certificate to log you,on to the network [SSID]",and connection to the network fails. In such cases change the properties of wireless network in the following manner.
1.Click on Control panel from start menu.
2.Now in control panel click on Network Connections.
3.List of Networks will be visible.Select the wireless network concerned.
4.Right-click on the network and click on properties.
5.Wireless Network connection properties window will be opened.

6.Then Click on wireless networks tab in that window

7.Select the preferred network and click on properties of the preferred network.

8.Change the Network Authentication Select box value to "WPA-PSK" and Data Encryption as AES.
9.Enter the Network Key and confirm the Network key and click on Ok.
10.Now the wireless will be connected successfully.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Handling download popup usin selenium

Handling popups in web applications was not supported by many of the automation tools.Selenium is an open source tool which is supporting this feature.
However selenium is capable to handle only the HTML popups.There are some other popups called "Windows popups" example download popups, which are related to OS.These download popups are not handled by the selenium.
We need to use a tool called "autoit" to handle this popups.

Download the autoit exe from auto it site and pass the name of the exe as an argumnet.

If u r using java call this using execute method.
if u r using perl call this using system function

Selenium +Perl+Windows

Hi this post is on configuring the Selenium RC to work with perl.

1.Record the Test suite using selenium ide and export it to Perl.

2.Open eclipse IDE and install the perl plugin for eclipse,if there is no plugin for perl in your eclipse previously.

3.Create a perl project in eclipse and copy the exported perl file to the project that was created in eclipse.

4.Install active perl .

5.Perl folder will be created after active perl installation.Add perl\bin in Path environment variable.

6.Now install perl module for selenium in active perl.

7.Download the perl module for selenium from the following link.

8.Extract the tar.gz file

9.Now go to the selenium pm directory that was created when we extracted the tar.gz
through command line.The Name of the directory created was "Test-WWW-Selenium-1.13"
10.Execute the makeFile in "Test-WWW-Selenium-1.13" using the following command
in command line.
11.After execution make the make file using command nmake

12.Some dependinces will be installed and once this process completed,install the nmake using command
nmake install

13.After nmake and nmake install copy the "Test-WWW-Selenium-1.13" directory to the lib folder of perl

13.Open another command prompt and open Perl package manager using the command "PPM"

14.Perl Package Manager window will be opened.

15.There we will find "Test-WWW-Selenium-1.13" as a package name.

16.Right click on the package name,there we will find an option for installation.

17.Then the package will be marked for installation

18.Click on the Run button which is at the top of perl package manager.

19.Then Selenium module for perl will be installed.

20.Start testing selenium using perl as a scripting language.