All the SVG elements may have same attribute values or the values that may change dynamically.It is not possible to identify the elements based on Tag in xpath expression(since these tags may not be identified by dom as they are not html tags.)
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width='300px' height='300px'>
<title>Small SVG example</title>
<circle cx='120' cy='150' r='60' style='fill: gold;'> <animate attributeName='r' from='2' to='80' begin='0' dur='3' repeatCount='indefinite' /></circle>
<polyline points='120 30, 25 150, 290 150' stroke-width='4' stroke='brown' style='fill: none;' />
<polygon points='210 100, 210 200, 270 150' style='fill: lawngreen;' />
<text x='60' y='250' fill='blue'>Hello, World!</text>
</svg> The above is the SVG used to Create a Circle,polygon and Polyline as shown in the graphics above.In order to identify a circle the Xpath expression should be framed as
if we specify